2024 Workshops Thursday Workshop 1: Katsuko ThielkeThursday 1pm – 3pm “Split Bamboo and Washi Paper” Combine split bamboo with Japanese Washi Paper to make amazing design accessories.More Info & Purchase Workshop 2: Sahshah MiddletonThursday 3pm – 5pm “Creative Structures”Construct a creative structure utilizing Wiffle Balls, rubber bands and bamboo sticks.More Info & Purchase Friday Workshop 4: Rachel JohnsonFriday 10am – 12pm “Versitle HorsetailEquisetum” Explore the range of expressions achieved by wiring, bending and threading Equisetum.More Info & Purchase Workshop 5: Kika ShibataFriday 10am – 12pm “Dripper Hose Structures”Learn to construct sculptural shapes using common garden dripper hose.More Info & Purchase Saturday Workshop 6: Keith StanleySaturday 10am – 12pm “Hanakabari: Botanical Mechanics“Explore this Japanese technique using plantmaterials as a visible structure as well as the main material in your design.More Info & Purchase Workshop 7: Helga SallmonSaturday 10am – 12pm “Weed Wacker Designs”Discover this substitute for Midollino. Createseveral components using weed trimmer lineĀ all materials provided) which can be used toenhance creative designs..More Info & Purchase Workshop 8: Chan + LumSaturday 10am – 12pm “Canvas Floral Reliefs + Paper Geometric Art”Make 3D reliefs on an art canvases with live and dried plant materials. + Create geometric containers from paperĀ that can be used with fresh and permanent botanicals.More Info & Purchase Sunday Workshop 9: OFAD All StarsSunday 9:30am – 11:30am “Drifters Lounge” Create a natural and sustainable driftwood sculpture or incorporate it into your floral arrangements.More Info & Purchase Register Online for OFAD Seminar 2024 HEREPrintable Form to Register by Mail HEREReturn to Home Page