In 2023 OFAD lost four of it’s founding members, Dolores Moffat, Shane Looper, Nancy Colvin and Susan Coolidge.

Dolores Moffat
It was Dolores’ vision to create a group dedicated to floral design education covering wide array of design disciplines. This was the genesis of the Organization of Floral Art Designers. She served as the organization’s first president in 2014 and served in that role until 2020.

Shane Looper
Shane served as treasurer since OFAD’s founding. In 2006 Shane and Dolores shared the California Garden Club’s Women of the Year Award. Shane’s most recent Award was the NGC Flower Arranger of the Year for her design in the 2023 Vision of Beauty Calendar. She was CGCI President in 2019-2021, finding ways for the organization to thrive during the COVID pandemic.

Nancy Colvin
Nancy served OFAD as its first Program Chairman and was one of its first speakers in 2014. Nancy was a supremely talented NGC designer whose work was extensively featured in the NGC Vision of Beauty Calendar.

Susan Coolidge
Susan served OFAD as its secretary for many years and was an active original founding member of OFAD. She presented a number of well received workshops during OFAD’s Seminars. Susan was an longtime member of the Luther Burbank district of the California Garden Clubs, Inc.